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hey there
I'm Maggie
MN Mama located in Lakeville, MN. On the day to day, you'll find me with coffee in one hand and my camera in the other! Lover of country concerts, happy hours that go too long with sweet friends, book club, gardening, camping, traveling (ideally to the beach) and being a wife and mom! Before I was a photographer, I was an elementary school teacher. I love working with people and am great with littles!

Facts About Me
WHAT AM I ORDERING AT A RESTAURANT?Tacos + a margarita! Wings + a light beer at local breweries!
FAVORITE SEASONCan't pick just one! Summer + Fall please!
FAVORITE MUSICCountry! Find me dancing and singing at manyyyyy country shows each year with my husband and our friends!
MY FRIENDS WOULD DESCRIBE ME ASAlways ready for a fun time, genuine, and a go-getter!

my happy place
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